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Harrison County


Harrison County is divided into 4 Precincts.

Each Precinct has its own Constable.

Our Constables are:

Precinct 1:

John C Hickey, Jr. (R)

Serving since 2017

Up for election in 2020


John C. Hickey, Jr. is running unopposed.

Precinct 2:

Brant Moore (D)

Serving since 2017

Up for election in 2020


Brant Moore is running unopposed.

Precinct 3:

James Weatherall, Jr. (R)

Serving since 2017

Up for election in 2020


James Weatherall, Jr. is running unopposed.

Precinct 4:

Darryl Griffin (R)

Serving since 2017

Up for election in 2020


Darryl Griffin is running unopposed.

What do County Constables do?

How do they affect me?

The County Constable is the main process server of the Justice of the Peace court. They are responsible for serving writs, warrants, temporary restraining orders, and subpoenas, and can do so for civil processes across the county, and for criminal processes all across the state.


They are also authorized peace officers, so they must be trained and keep an active peace officer license. They can do all sorts of things, from removing illegally placed signs to impounding abused animals, but usually you'll see them in Justice of the Peace court.


The number of constables in a county changes across the state based on the most recent population numbers from the census.

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